Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Babe-watching in Punggol Fields

Mr Mao didn't have a chance to go gai gai last weekend as it was raining.

Yesterday evening, I decided to compensate him and brought him to the big open field downstairs to run :) Managed to take a few nice and fat shots of him.

Any babes nearby? I'm available!!

Who's that babe!!!

Where's my babe going!!!

Oooooo is she waving at me??

Back home at night...

Mummy's watching TV.. 
Nobody wants to play with me :((

Nevermind, I will SMILE and STARE at mummy
until she plays with me wahahaha

I've peeeed!! Can I have my treat?

Huhhhh..so SMALL ah?

See the Kay-poh peeping into the storeroom
Erm, the disastrous V-shaped haircut at his belly was done by an 
unskilled barber called Enzo's mummy.
Hope it grows back before Enzo's birthday party in July hehe :)


Capprimas-Stars said...

He does look unhappy about the size of his treat xP Why trim his fur ? LOL Mambo got trim by his daddy last wk too, poor guinea pigs !

claire said...

Enzo's underbelly coat was so long that he left a trail of pee all the way to the leaving room lor.. I JUS HAD TO CUT THEM OFF, and it's much cleaner now :)

Wish there's a method to teach Enzo how to shake off his pee, before he steps down from the pee tray haha!!

Capprimas-Stars said...

IF he shakes off then pee will fly everywhere !! hahahas how long is his coat before trimming off ? Longer than Fraser ?

claire said...

Haha you're right.. maybe can train him how to shake off gently? Dennis says if Enzo can do that, he'll prob be worth a million bucks haha!

Yup his long coat was as long as Fraser's, u know Like Father Like Son haha! But it's really too long, and the bottom hair was always stained with pee.. Think it's more hygienic to snip it off lah.. jus that this time round i snip off a bit too much hehe.. Hopefully it grows back soon! Else he'll be the only dog with the super inverted V haircut at his party :))

Capprimas-Stars said...

His fur is so long ! arrgh, why ruthie's fur so short :( wally came over for a stay, his fur is longer than her's too AFTER trimming also. why she take after diva !

hahas he only have 1 more mth to grow back, hopefully it grows back else all the babes won't wanna play with him ! LOL