Sunday, January 04, 2009

Happy New Year !

Havent been updating much on Enzo cuz of all the festivities and merry making.  So here are Shots of Enzo in his Proud looking state. - Fact is, he was staring out the window, pondering about why birds fly and Trains move i'm sure.

My Buddy's Getting a PUPPY!  Here's a Preview.

Yogi Pee Tray Vs Pee tray with Newspaper

Recently, We've moved him from the old Pee tray with newspaper to the Yogi Pee tray. So far, he's been more willing to use the Yogi mat then the Pee tray with Grill. Enzo hates anything that remotely resembles grill... and in order to keep the mess more contained, we had to move to bite the bullet and move to another system quickly.

The migration of systems wasnt / isn't  easy though. As usual, he threw his usual trantrums of not wanting to have anything to do with the Yogi pee tray and peed/Poo'd at his own disposition. 

However, we were more resolute in getting him up the Yogi Pee tray rather then the Pee tray with Grill (since he has phobia even standing on the darn grill)

So after 1 full day of painful correction, he's more willing to Pee / Poo on the Pee tray now. Just have to see what happens tomorrow when we're not around. 

- On a side note, the Yogi Pee tray doesnt seem to be able to contain Enzo's Waste for a full day.. so i'm not sure how thats gonna work out.

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